The Knightdale Police Department is comprised of three separate divisions made up of 49 sworn and non-sworn personnel. Three Division Commanders holding the ranks of Deputy Chief, and Captain are assigned to the agency's Support Services, Patrol, and Administrative Divisions. The Administrative Captain oversees Records, Training, Evidence and Accreditation functions. The Deputy Chief reports directly to the Chief of Police, while the Patrol and Administrative Captains report directly to the Deputy Chief. Together, these positions make up the agency's command staff.
The department's Patrol Division is divided into four patrol squads that provide 24/7 law enforcement services. Two squads are led by a Watch Commander holding the rank of Lieutenant and is supplemented by Shift Supervisors holding the ranks of Sergeant and Corporal. The remaining personnel are line officers with varying classifications - Probationary Officer, Police Officer First Class, Senior Police Officer and Master Police Officer. The Patrol Division is comprised of 30 sworn members.
The Support Services Division encompasses the Traffic, Investigative and CRO units. An Investigative Lieutenant supervises the functions of the Investigative and Community Resource Units. Three Traffic Officers are also assigned to this division and answer directly to the Traffic Unit Lieutenant. All told, the Support Services Division has a compliment of 12 sworn personnel.