Administrative permits and approvals are those that may be granted by the Administrator or Development Review Committee and do not require approval from the Town Council or Land Use Review Board. Proposed uses that are considered permitted by right in the corresponding zoning district will follow the administrative approval process.
*Please note that this is a general guideline and the process can vary depending on the type of proposed development*
Step 1: Preliminary Meeting
A preliminary meeting with staff is not required, but highly encouraged before an application can be accepted. To set up a meeting, contact Kevin Lewis, Senior Planner.
Step 2: Sketch Plan Submittal
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the month. For a list of submittal requirements, see the UDO Section 12.3.D.
Step 3: Traffic Impact Analysis (If Applicable)
For more information, see UDO Section 12.3.J or contact the Project Manager.
Step 4: Master Plan Submittal
The application must be submitted according to the Submittal Schedule – Page 2. For a list of plan submittal requirements, see UDO Section 12.3.F.
Step 5: Staff Review
Staff reviews the application and sends comments back to the applicant.
Step 6: Development Review Committee Meeting
The DRC meets with the applicant to discuss plan review comments. The meeting date is determined by the corresponding Master Plan submittal date on the Submittal Schedule. The DRC can vote to approve, deny, or continue the application.
Step 7: Resubmittal of Corrected Plans (If Applicable)
The applicant resubmits revised plans and staff determines the completeness of the resubmittal.
Step 8: Construction Drawing Submittal
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the month and plans can be submitted at any point after DRC approval. For a list of plan submittal requirements, see UDO Section 12.3.G.
Step 9: Soil & Erosion Control Permit Submittal (If Applicable)
If land disturbance exceeds 1 acre, a S&EC permit is required. The S&EC permit is issued by the Town of Knightdale and the application can typically be submitted after the first round of Construction Drawing review.
Step 10: Building Permit Submittal (If Applicable)
As applicable, building permits can typically be submitted after the first round of Construction Drawing review. All building permits are submitted via the Wake County Permit Portal system.
Step 11: Pre-Construction Conference
A pre-construction conference is held prior to construction beginning. Construction Drawings must be fully approved and signed before the pre-construction conference is held.
Step 12: Issuance of Construction Improvement Permit (CIP)
The CIP allows work to commence on the project site.